Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Observation week 6

This week of observations was okay. I woke up later than usual than the cold weather had me feeling like I didnt want to do anything, but lay in the bed under the warm blankets while drinking tea and watch some television. But of course that wasn't the plan for the day because the children would be there and full of energy. Once I made it to the site my focus on being cold was quickly redirected by the really active students. I would've thought that it was monday if just observing the children because they ha that start of week energy. Children seem to love the different types of weather and it had me reflecting on when I was their ages, but I've always had a dislike for the cold. I had to take a break to go get hot tea so I could finish my observation.

The activity that I observed this week included two male students sitting on the couch in the literacy area. One of the students has two books in his hands and is flipping through one of the books as the other student looks on. He is turning the pages one by one. They are not talking or speaking to each other about the book, but both maintain their eyes on the pages of the book. One of the observation students from 52b walks by the area and the student says to observation student "can you read us a book?" The student informs them that he has work to do today so he wouldn't be able to read to them today, but would read to them another day. Both students just look at the observation student as he walks away from them and neither one says a word. One of the students that had the books in his hand gets up from the couch walks over to the writing table and grabs a yellow marker. He then proceeds over to the kitchen area where one of the teachers was preparing snack. He tells her "I want to write in book", she informs him that the book belongs to the library and that they shouldn't write in books and if he wants to write to go over to the writing table and write on paper. The student walks back to the writing table and places the marker down on the table and walks back to the literacy area with the book. He sits in front of the book shelf and looks over the book select for a couple of seconds then one of his classmates calls him to go play with him. So he places the book on the book stand and walks off quickly to go play.

The skills the student used during this activity included the following social skills while interacting with classmate, motor skills while holding and turning the book, and literacy by expressing interest in writing and reading.

An activity that I would plan for the next day for the students would be a trip to the local library. I would have parents fill out an application for students to get a library card or have them bring library card so that students can check out books. I would make arrangements with the library prior to our trip so that we can have a book reading done. After the book reading students can select a book or two to check out. This will help students develop an interest in reading and learn responsibility for taking care of books.


  1. Hi Janet

    Awww... to me this was a sad story. It was as if no one had time for him. He knew writing in the book was wrong I think, that's why he told the teacher so in hopes of her maybe reading to him. I do see this a lot though. Teachers are so busy in class with trying to prepare the activities, snack and help with the toileting that they miss a child needing attention. I love your idea on a trip to the library. I would allow all the children to choose a book of their interest and throughout the day of activities just call that child out to reading their book to them.

  2. It is unfortunate that we can't be a little more involved with the students; I know they could use the help, but that's not the way the program is set up. I do cheat a little, and don't tell anybody please :-) I talk with the kids and I also do a little "policing" when I see hitting or some other incident that might not be safe.

  3. Janet,

    Your idea is awesome! It would be an educational field trip. I remember thats how I got my LA County Library card. Its nice to know that even people who are of lo-income can go to public libraries and skill enjoy ton of books for free. Let's face it, why should there be a price on reading?
