Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Observation week 7

This week's observation was okay. It seemed as if the children were still coming off their sugar "highs" from Halloween last night and some even came in with parts of their costumes. The conversations between the children during arrival were about pumpkins and what they were or wanted to be for Halloween. I thought that it was cute that the students were discussing the different sizes of the pumpkins the students brougt in. One female student thought that she had brought the smallest one, but when she looked on the table and saw the smallest pumpkin I've ever seen her eyes were wide open as if she was shocked. I enjoyed doing this observation watching the children as they engaged in all different types of play and the conversations went from happy participants to "no you're not my friend".

The one activity that I observed included two male students playing in the block area. Both students go over to the shelf were the blocks are stored and begin to take them out one by one and place them on the rug. Once all of the blocks are off the shelf, both students sit down on the floor and picks up a wooden block with their hands. Student one places the square block on its side then student two does the same thing with his block directly next to student one's block. They grab block after block and stack them on top of their own blocks. The towers of blocks are getting taller and they run out of sqaure blocks so they reach for the cyclinder looking blocks and stand it up the long way. Student one places another cyclinder looking block on top of his tower and it stays up. Student two begins to put his block down and student one tells him "No, it's gonna fall put it right here" as he points to a empty spot. Student two puts the block where his classmate is pointing and it also remains standing. As the two male students are standing in front of their towers another male student who is just arriving to class walks over and says "student one's name, wow that's really cool tower." The student walks off to wash his hands and the two block tower building students remain with their creation. Student one kicks his leg out towards the tower and down going crashing all the blocks and then student two does the same exact thing. Both students begin laughing about a minute. They go down to pick up the blocks and student one says " let's make a doggie house" and student two says "no, lets make an airplane."

The developmental skills that the children were working on included the following: small and large motor, social and cognitive development, and cooperative play. An activity that I could plan based off the observation today would be to have an activity table where I would bring round unsharp popsticle sticks and glue and allow the students to build from their imaginations.


  1. Hi Janet

    Sounds like the children had fun building their towers. Bringing sticks to allow the children to build from their imagination sounds like a great idea. I was thinking to maybe have a cooperative activity involving the entire class. By having pre-cut colorful rectangles and triangles and having one group make the dog house while the other group make the airplane. Gluing both images on one paper.

  2. It is great fun watching the kids play and get along. Every time I go to the Child Development Center to observe I'm reminded how fortunate these kids are to be able to attend a high quality program like the ones LBCC offers. Some are not so lucky and won't benefit from the positive effects of learning pro-social behavior that is so necessary for success, everyone's success, because when kids get along it allows learning to take place. If a teacher spends lots of energy trying to manage bad behavior it takes time away from the whole class.

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